Saturday 17 December 2022 - 12:43
Prominent Cleric Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sadeq Rouhani Passes Away at 96

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sadiq Rouhani, one of the scholars of Ahl al-Bayt school (PBUT), Passed away at 96 on Friday, December 16 in the city of Qom.

Hawzah News Agency- Iran’s Prominent Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sadiq Rouhani, one of the jurists of the Ahl al-Bayt school, passed away yesterday in Qom.

He was one of the students of the late Ayatollah Khoei in Najaf Ashraf, and the collection of "Fiqh al-Sadiq" was one of his works.

Additional news about the demise of this prominent scholar will be announced later.

Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Sadiq Rouhani, was born in Muharam 1345 after Hejra (a.h), coinciding with 1305 Hejri shamsi (h.s) (solar year) and 1926 A.D. in the holy city of Qom. His family was of Imam Hussein (PBUH) extraction, with a great background of knowledge and virtues.

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